I notice that my avatar isn't showing, but I haven't seem many (if any - can't remember!) up since the switch over.Is it the case that things...
Hi everyone.I would like to ask some advice on behalf of my brother. He knows a bit about gardening, but nothing about Acers.He's had...
If anyone is looking for a gift for a fellow gardener, or themselves, the book from carol's series is absolutley lovely.Stunning...
Are onions and garlic hungry plants?I'm just deciding whether to fling manure in the bed before planting.We've got Stutgart Giants and...
I've been digging my veg bed today in preparation for planting onions and garlic.To my horror the ground seems to have what looks like ground...
:dbgrtmb: Nice question about chicken poo now!I've been putting my coop contents into a compost bin since last autumn.Will the stuff at...
With huge thanks to Kristen for a recommendation on my 'hedge' thread, I have ordered some plants from Ashridge trees.I ordered some Italian...
Can anyone tell me if it is too early to cut my herbs back? My sage has got a bit woody and I wondered if that would grow from old wood.My...
I've read Woo's section on climbing roses and understand that I need to train my roses in a zig sag climb around the arch they are on.I have...
Having grown spuds for two years now I've decided this year I need less than I am growing, and more space for courgettes.I'm going to divide...
I bought some plug lobelia (bush) today of little seedlings.I intend to pot them into modules and just let them do their thing slowly on the...
I have been out this afternoon and spent a lovely two hours going over my flower beds, weeding (thankfully not too many) and clearing away last...
[IMG] Anyone know what this is? It's springing up all through one of my flower beds.
Well, the gardening year is starting and I'm desperately trying to work out a privacy solution.Our hedge, a joint boundary, has been cut down...
Can anyone give me some advice on web hosting?I have my own website, or at least I am rebuilding it. I had a different domain name, but have...
Hi there,Can anyone tell me if this sounds about right?I took my desktop in to be looked at today. It is a Dell and it was making a weird...
Is anyone watching Giles and Sue do The Good Life?We had it on planner and watched it tonight, I loved it!
Can anyone give me some advice re feeding?I've got leeks and Parsnips in one veg bed, the parsnips hopefully for christmas lunch. This was bit...
Can anyone recognise this apple tree? My sister In law has it in her garden and doesn't know if it's edible.The apples are purple![img]
We have a hedge which is 'poor man's box' (identified for me on here actually by you lovely lot!)...
Separate names with a comma.