I got a lovely Salvia Hot Lips from Tom at the World Garden in Lullingstone last year, and it grew into a beautiful, big bush, covered in flowers,...
A while ago some of you recommended the 'Mile a Minute' Clematis to cover a horrid chain link fence that I have.Clematis Montana Var. Rubens...
I wonder if anyone can advise me about what to do with my perennial bed.I have divided one ENORMOUS bed into two smaller beds with a grass path...
Can anyone advise me what to do with my seeds.I'm sewing sweet peas, cosmos, antirhinum (sp?) gypsophila, poached egg plants today.Can I...
Did anyone see gardeners world on Friday night?I really enjoyed it! Would love to see more of Carol - she is by far my favourite.But I did...
Has anyone tried the 100's and 1000's trailing tomato seeds?I have picked some up to put in our hanging baskets this year. Our tumbling Toms...
My dad came for lunch today and he had bought me a present. YAY!!! :yho:He bought me a four tiered mini greenhouse. I know that may sound...
I have a big yellow coloured day lilly in one of my beds. It didn't produce many flowers last year (my first year here) and those that were...
We have one of those evergreen hedges between us and next door. It is like a box hedge, but isn't, if you know what I mean. They are everywhere,...
Hi all. My bro in law has moved and have a garden with beautiful established trees and shrubs. A lot of these they are planning to rip out and...
Sorry. I have a quick question to do with my flowerbed overhaul. I have decided to keep my mounded soil, but I have quite a few bulbs poking...
Thank you everyone for your help and advice in my recent thread about moving established roses.I think I may have a problem, however. My father...
I have a problem which I don't know how to solve.I have reduced the size of a HUGE flower bed which we inherited with the house last year. I...
Hi everyone.I planted a perennial last year (can't remember what it is called, but it has pretty red spikes of flowers) and it has died back....
Ok, here's the reason for my confusion.I am browsing the b and q outdoor book, and have now come across 3 types of weedkiller quoted on...
Just to let you know I am no longer 'Jim and Vicki' but now Victoria Plum (see the gardening link there?!)When I signed up I anticipated my...
Can anyone advise me on seed potatoes.I'm getting my own this year (my dad stuck a load in last year with mixed results) and would like some...
Happy new year!I am now back in the gardening vibe after a small hibernation (I wish!) and really enjoying looking around on GC again. I'm...
We inherited some established roses, which are rather long and leggy, when we moved in last year.Can I move them to another bed? If so when and...
:cnfs:Well... after a seasonal break and letting everything die off and go to seed we are really exciting about planning this years garden!It...
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