By the sound of it one or two bumble bees have taken up residence inside a hollow breeze block (the cavity is exposed and is at the top of the...
Some of my broad bean plants have brown spots on the leaves and broad bean pods - will this affect the rapidly growing bean pods or the beans...
About half a dozen of my recently planted Petunias have severe slug damage, I've dug them up and potted them up and brought them inside in the...
What variety of Campanula is it that is so often seen growing in borders and on garden walls? They are a blue/lilac colour and grow horizontally...
My local garden centre is part of a nationwide chain (no names mentoned ......... yet) and the other day I stumbled across an area out the back...
Has anyone here every tried to grow Streptocarpus from leaf cuttings? Just curious really as a month ago I decided to give it a go. On checking...
I have a wild rose in my garden which I cut back really hard this year as it was getting extremely leggy (it's not been pruned before). The main...
I have about 40 extremely healthy, robust looking board bean plants with plenty of flowers. Last weekend I even nipped the growing tips off some...
Just bought a Rosa Favourite from the local garden centre, it was only £1 so why not? :)Plenty of flowers and buds on it, no idea why it was so...
Last year I bought a Phalaenopsis orchid with two flower spikes - when it had finished flowering one of the spikes died off but the other looked...
I have a couple of mature cherry blossom trees in my hedge and have just noticed that a lot of the leaves are turning brown - not on every branch...
I have a large tree in my hedge (not sure of the species) which is very healthy but has a LOT of ivy growing on it.Presumably this ivy will...
As I have dogs I'm always extremely wary about using any type of pesticides. However, I'd like to try and keep down the aphids and assorted fungal...
I've never tried hanging baskets before but this year I thought I'd have a go - they have a mixture of geraniums, pansies and petunias in them....
As per the title, this is only occuring on one of my Buddleia Davidii bushes.Any ideas what might be the cause please, as well as a possible...
My side garden backs onto a field and one corner of the wild hedge (part of a raised wall) is relatively open.I want to fill in the gap (which...
About 3 weeks ago I planted some broad bean seeds (Aquadulce Claudia) into some toilet roll tubes, germinated them indoors then hardened them off...
A couple of weeks ago I planted some sweet pea seeds - germinated them indoors then started putting them outside during the day and bringing them...
I've never grown Broad Beans before but thought that I might give them a go this year. Looks like now is a good time to start them off indoors...
What is the shortest variety of Cosmos? I grew a few types last year but even the "dwarf" variety that I tried managed to grow about 4 feet tall....
Separate names with a comma.