I was looking out our front window just now, waiting for the kids taxi to arrive to tak them to school and I saw what I thought was a male house...
http://vitalearth.tv/soiladvice.php :thumb:
I saw this on my local news tonight. Apparently, the NHS isn't performing many gastric band/bypass ops, despite there being a desperate need for...
http://www.rhs.org.uk/RHSWebsite/files/fb/fb14af03-f854-4cd6-8570-95b49c9e3451.pdf this looks really useful. Print it off and it tells you...
saw this on the tv news. this big garden place is telling its MALE gardeners to wee on a bale of straw cos it breaks it down nicely for the...
I just cleaned my 5 chickens out and one of them is injured and ill. She had blood on her leg, it seems a scale is missing from her leg...
we got our first xmas card today [img] I can't escape it now! :flag:
Free Plants, Seeds & Bulbs Freeplant Network Worldwide (FNW) is a non-profit organization, which aims to distribute Flower Plants, Seeds, Bulbs...
I changed my phone number (mobile) to stop certain people contacting me. Cost me £25 with vodafone, fair enough. They gave me a recycled...
Free Tree GiveawayFor a limited time only, Breathing Places has joined forces with PlantforLife to give away over 1000 trees to get people...
ok, atm i am heartbroken :( i glossed round the cupboards in our bedroom (2 big built in wardrobe thingys) 3 COATS and when it came to removing...
these are our chooks. Elvira, Jessica, Gemma, Esme and Rhoda. [img] This is Meg (taken when we got her from the RSPCA in feb, after being...
http://www.hunch.com/which-muppet-am-i/?SEMref=google&kw=gonzo%20the%20great&gclid=CIWkk6mc7Z0CFVtn4wodlh8dLg seemed appropriate, given the name...
Free Bird Feed 500g PackJust fill in your details on their page for a free 500g trial pack of Special Mix, Living with Birds voucher and free...
wasn't sure where to put this....... Free Garden Planner You can download a 2 page wall planner from Homebase with tips on growing tips, general...
I think the Swede's are onto something :gnthb::hehe: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/5/20091021/tod-bunny-boiling-rabbits-burnt-to-fuel-870a197.html
i cracked one of our own chicken's eggs yesterday and was amazed to see what looked like a blood clot in it, like a fertilised egg. tourble is, we...
got meself 2 new chooks. that makes 4 hens and a Bantam cock now :gnthb: we already had a Bluebell (Bel) and Silver Link (Nanny) and Jim [img]...
my mum in law (2 doors away) noticed a nestling blackbird on the ground yesterday tea time. it chirped all night long, no adults were heard. she...
for our chicken feeder. hubby made it from the bottom of a 99p bucket, and drilled a hole in the middle so it fits onto the long thread that holds...
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