I bought a Panicum Squaw grass last year. Very pretty and quite expensive. It looked good all summer, and died back gracefully in early winter....
We needed a tin of emulsion to paint one small wall. A colour was selected from the Dulux range and testers were ordered. Incredible things these...
The Liatris bulbs I planted in March in a large pot are just beginning to show. When they are a little more developed is it OK to transplant them...
Just bought a lovely red Acer at Asda. It is well potted in a 3 litre pot and is about 2 feet tall. Is it OK to plant out into the semi shady...
Aldi have a nice stock of Clematis at the moment. Good big plants at £5.99 each. Very healthy at the moment, but they don't look after them - so...
We have a small patio fountain. The base is approx an 18" cube , and is made I presume from some form of resin. It is quite heavy. It has...
I grew some Fatsia Japonica from seed, a few years back. I now have two in my garden which are over 6 feet tall. A little to big for the location....
Sorry for the Daily Express shock headline . Planted daffs on an off for years . Stick em in the ground November , next March lots of flowers ....
I have a Panicum Squaw ornamental deciduous grass . Is about now the best time to cut back the old stems , to a little tuft ?TIA
A few of us use the £1 bucket as plant pots for starting of some of our larger plants. I use mine for large Canna rhizomes. For a supplier of...
This Youtube will bring tears to your eyes :biggrin: Process is necessary to develop the bulbs . [MEDIA]
I had some conifers removed in November , and now want to returf part of my lawn about 25 sq metres . The old lawn area will be rotovated and...
I have just cut down a shrubby 3 ft high Yucca Filamentosa at the end of the drive. It had very very spikey leaves like gladiators swords which...
@shiney and anybody ............ I would like some advice on claiming a refund on a credit card purchase if anyone has know how on this process....
I was thinking of replacing my now dead 40 year old battery charger. Now most car batteries do not require topping up with distilled water. They...
Google's Chief executive Sundar Pichai went in front of US Congress to defend his company to lawmakers. One criticism of them was , If you...
Having a drink with my old mate tonight. After solving the Brexit , Syria and Trump problems over the first pint , we discussed the UK pop star...
I grew this trailing purple and white fuchsia 6 years ago . I can't recall it's name , any ideas ?[ATTACH]
Brookside are giving a 15% discount up to the end of November , plus free delivery on orders over £40. I know @JWK and I use them , quality is...
I have a Clematis Mayleen Montana , just over 1 year old , in a container. I need to move it to a flower bed planting on the other side of the...
Separate names with a comma.