morning all its a lovely one here, the sun is cracking the flags as we yorkshiremen say! Repotted the peace lilly last night, check other...
i'll use two this time instead of one!!Have a nice time, fortunately im not travelling anywhere til friday!
i've posted these pics on another thread but thought i would get it confirmed here. Some people on another forum said mine didnt look like a peace...
sorry im pretty much still a newbie round here!
i cant believe i repotted it, i was afraid to do it a few weeks ago, piece of cake now! I guess pricking out the geraniums gave me the confidence!...
well i have been watching my peace lilly with little development happening, i decided to re-pot it in some nice potting compost for indoor plants....
> A man buys several sheep, hoping to breed them for wool. > After several weeks, he notices that none of the sheep are > getting...
im just glad im only 21!!! :D
I think somebody needs to tidy their computer room L-O-L!
people at work were saying "you cant post that up on there!" but i thought it was hilarious i just had to share it!
hehe ok i'll stop with the wellingtons! is it the holes on the front of an amplifier? (possibly a link to the fender thing?!)
This was written by a's pretty damn smart.Girls -- Please have a sense of humor!I never quite figured out why the sexual urge of men...
Afternoon everyone, finally back in the office after meetings here there and everywhere! The geraniums have taken over the windowsill! ready to be...
is it a holey wellington boot?!! :D :D
Guten Tag!
Were electric eel dancingWEEP
what is that thing in the top right then?! im sure its a dog im sure of it! as for the object maybe its a wind bellow thing?! cant remember whats...
cat unites the elephantsDOGS
well its certainly not a wellington boot, i've never seen one quite like that!!is it a table leg?and is that a dog i see in the top right...
Separate names with a comma.