Evening to all the lovely people here :redface: I had a lovely day today but it is still cold here. I noticed some buds on the trees at the house...
Val makes apple cider :)
Do Dogs Dream Daily? PANT
Busy people never rest
supermarket boxers or briefs? :dancy:
Evening everyone I hope everyone is well - or as well as can be expected. I keep looking at that chicken above me! Had to go out today but it was...
that is amazing but I felt dizzy!
Very nice Woo, we had a pleasant day here too.
train sewing or knitting?
Line Up
Book velvet or lace?
Knobs :oops:
Morning to everyone :spinning: Shiney thanks for the dates, will start looking around, which day are the GC people coming as I would like to meet...
very good, liked the dog coming downstairs and the dog climbing the fence!
Hello everyone, it's still cold here. Hi Moyra and Shiney and whoever comes after :) Shiney, it's not too bad, hopefully if it does help wearing...
Morning everyone! Hahahaha try getting two on, then getting a shoe on :snork: still, if it helps it will have to be done. Am looking after the...
Liliana has red hair :doh:
Separate names with a comma.