Agree...Could even be a sucker from the garden next door.
Yes broad leaf dock .....Rumex obtusifolius. Recommend you dig it up asap...every tiny, very long root.Rumex obtusifolius - Google Search
Would appear to be a shrub/tree. Rhus sp.Need good close up pics to take id any further.rhus leaves - Google Search
I doubt it. Still type with one finger. Slowly!
1. Crocosmia sp. Years ago we would have called it Montbretia.In your pic those are the flower buds. Several named yellow flowered ones. Can be...
Wait till you see if you like it. If not .....suggest you dig it up and give to someone who has more space. Plants need the leaves.
Buds make it look like hemerocallis...common name day lily.hemerocallis - Google SearchSuggest you wait for those buds to open. Each flower...
Geum rivale.geum rivale - Google SearchIt might be a named one such as Geum rivale Lemon Drops.[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
From pics it is hard to see difference between Cherry plum and red leaved Apple...Malus. I would suggest that cherry usually flowers early in the...
Sorry Choisya can be ruled out. Choisya ternata has one stalk with 3 leaflets [ATTACH][ATTACH] [ATTACH]
First come the flowers followed by the seed pods/fruits/ berries. You must have missed the flowers.
Sorry....don't think it matches at all. So much for apps.heliotropium europaeum' - Google Searchheliotropium europaeum' - Google Search
Not positive..Daphne maybe. Did ever have flowers before hubby "pruned" it.
Pics turned and enlargedSuspiciously weedy..[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Sorry had to take a call. last 5.Santolina chamaecyparissusSantolina chamaecyparissus - Google Search [ATTACH]
1. probably...Spiraea japonica Goldmound.spiraea japonica goldmound - Google Search2. Philadelphus coronarius....common name Mock orange....
Goodness haven't offended me at all. I have got very cynical about nurseries /garden centres /correct names over the years....
In that case it does not match the very detail description in Bean. eg Strigose. Bean wrote the bible for trees and shrubs...THE gold standard....
With dark leaves try Actaea simplex "Brunette."actaea simplex brunette - Google Search
Lonicera xylosteum.....small, easily missed pairs of flowers in May (up here)....leaves very soft and hairy. A British native honeysuckle!...
Separate names with a comma.