Abutilon megapotamicum.abutilon megapotamicum - Recherche Google[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Please add a pic to show whole plant.
Digitalis purpurea...common name Foxglove? [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Ricky187,I am so very sorry to hi jack your thread..so very rude of me. Apologies.
Up here there are many abandoned railway lines. Mr Beeching closed them all. Perfect for wonderful flat , easy walking...with wonderful views of...
In our old garden we had many different Pulmonaria...yes they love shade. Like people collect stamps I used to collect plants! Try white flowered...
Even Chamaenerion angustifolia , common name Rosebay willow herb looks magnificent in a mass. Just would never dream of having it in my...
While I am at it. A wild flower is grown up here as a green manure...is Phacelia tanacetifolia. Insects and bees love it. I just adore to see...
Who could fail to love Asplenium trichomanes .Maidenhair spleenwort.Nature is wonderful It is all round us..we just need to look! Really look!...
Another weed I love is Corydalis lutea. Again growing in old walls.[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Hurray! Now we are in agreement!!!! Price is irrelevant. I just used Tree ferns as an example.Up here growing in the lime mortar on very old...
Sadly to cold here for me to grow one. Used to grow a few dwarf ones in old garden in WalesYes...they grow incredibly slowly. Originally they...
This is getting bizarre. Not my humour! JR.....You obviously don't grow anything very special.Such as Dickinsonia antarctica..the tree ferns....
Sorry . My humour is obviously on a very different wave band to yours.With only 12 previous posts I do not feel I know Ricky or his gardening...
NO! That is not at all helpful to someone seeking our help.
1. Is not a weed. It is an autumn flowering Japanese Anemone...full of flower buds. 2. Maybe Geranium.
Maybe cherry is grafted. Maybe this is a sucker from the root stock.
Wonder if it is Sedum? Need flowers.
1. Definitely Chaenomeles. 2. Sorry not clear enough...maybe more than one plant in that pic. 3. ? 4.Definitely Alchemilla mollis.
Separate names with a comma.