Think i am there now mike every thing seems ok but still have no shield on the list dont know where its gone apart from that aok hopefully [img]...
Hi Paul I used to be the stewardess of Magdaline Flields Golf Club here in Berwick, we caught the bug while we were in america, mind you these...
Mike i have done something to this now i will have to reinstall AVG cos the shield thing disappeared and couldnt get it back so uninstalled it...
Okay mike will try that let you know in a sec tried that wont let me will post pic of it for you hang on
well there is good news i think the violasion thingy has disappeared havent seen it for a while but on the AVG front the resident sheild is not...
wheres your word Mike :confused: [img] :eek: :D
afternoon everyone hows it going, ooh this computer getting me down now, and the weather stinks also thick black clouds windy and raining, wonder...
Your right there PeterS dont know whats happening now my computer would not start up for some reason and i still have the violation thingy coming...
just an update on me fish, i asked at the garden centre it had swim bladder, so they gave me something to put in the water. tried that but didnnt...
eventually got it working it is running now and testing, no threats or virus as yet when it is finished i will switch off and turn on again to see...
could it be a top of the range rake
think its working will let you know later thanks Mike i am hopeless when it comes to anything like this :rolleyes: [img]
window washer thingy squeegy or it could be a cleaning window thingy with the black rubber on it to dry windows :eek: :confused: [img]...
help i can not download AVG there is no download button, got everything else but no down load [img] :confused:
thing that goes on top of curtain pole cant think of its name though
having probs downloading folks but will try again and see what happens, still having the probs i am committed to getting someone in to have a look...
Rosa hope you dont mind me answering this Jazz I asked the same thing and guess what it is seaton sluice would never of thought of that would you,...
I am in the middle of downloading AVG will have to ask what to do when it is finished probably, I will be back later got to pop outthanks guys...
I wont tell her if you dont :D :DJust hope i havent offended anyone thats all [img] [img]
No I dont Hyla and sorry if yous thought that of me, just having a laugh :D :Dof course you can watch me bounce only if you have a go...
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