By the sound of it one or two bumble bees have taken up residence inside a hollow breeze block (the cavity is exposed and is at the top of the...
Indeed we do. Well, hopefully. :)
A bit of an update for anyone who is curious - the damaged plants are all doing very well. All of them have at least some new growth, particularly...
Thanks. Good idea about covering them overnight, or I could just bring them inside. Thankfully the room that they're in right now has not been hot.
I was thinking of putting them outside but wanted to give them some TLC inside to see if they responded. Also, if I put them outside now they'll...
@alp - those Streptocarpus flowers are astounding. Very well done! You have far greener fingers than I do. :)
Some of my broad bean plants have brown spots on the leaves and broad bean pods - will this affect the rapidly growing bean pods or the beans...
The camera is playing up so no photos right now I'm afraid, however the worst damaged one is actually showing signs of new growth this morning....
About half a dozen of my recently planted Petunias have severe slug damage, I've dug them up and potted them up and brought them inside in the...
Thanks very much, I have some vermiculite, will that be suitable instead of perlite?
Sorry to have taken so long to reply to your post, been so busy that I forgot.Which bugs are a problem for the plants?The tiny planlets on my...
Thanks again to both of you for the advice, much appreciated. :)
Many thanks to both of you for the replies, I'm now pondering whether to grow any from seed or buy plants.Are those all hardy varieties?
What variety of Campanula is it that is so often seen growing in borders and on garden walls? They are a blue/lilac colour and grow horizontally...
That sounds very possible, I'll take note of your advice and do as you say.Assuming it does bounce back, should it be pruned again early next...
No photos yet I'm afraid but I think I've figured out why the bush is losing shoots - it's the wind! Today it's been very windy and a grand total...
With supermarkets, unsold food is collected by food banks to be distributed to those who can't afford to feed themselves properly. Perhaps the...
No sign of pests (a little blackfly at times, but not much) or disease, the growth looks very healthy.Could be age I guess, it must have been...
My local garden centre is part of a nationwide chain (no names mentoned ......... yet) and the other day I stumbled across an area out the back...
A bit of an update on this - the plant has now how a few gallons of water applied to it. A couple of hours later I noticed that one of the new...
Separate names with a comma.