I have just been told I should pinch out the tops of my runners when they reach the top of the sticks..I have never done this before does it...
I contacted Jackson @ co Lovage plant is on its way. Thankyou.
I have a 7 year old John Downey crab apple tree that is looking decidedly fed up this year it has blossom but the leaves which are usually...
Black Mmm... I did my new trellis green then decided to paint the rest of the woodfence that was due for a do but be careful in your choice of...
Hmm interesting, But whats the flavour like ? I cook a lot and find some of these herbs are not all they are cracked up to be, one in particular...
Finely chop 2 onions and 2 cloves of garlic put into a pyrex bowl with a lid on, splosh some olive oil on them approx two tablespoons, microwave...
Would very much like to add these to my herb garden but have been unable to source any of these old fashioned herbs, If any one has spare plants I...
Re Dutch bulb companies, Last year I purchased a packet of Green Gladioli which turned out to be Yellow, was not pleased so sent a flower back to...
Thankt you Silver Surfer, you were absolutely right slow release fertilizer it is.
Having a good dig about have found numerous tiny bright yellow/orange bead like balls in the soil when squashed between finger and thumb go squish...
I planted a packet of alpine straw berry seeds last year suprise suprise they all germinated,they over wintered quite well in a large pot outside...
I have discovered a very inexpensive way to have mini greenhouses, after moving house had a number of large clear plastic containers with lids i...
Wheelie BinsWhere do you live ? Because they will put up your Council Tax to pay for it !:love30:
A funny thing happened in my garden yesterday,sitting in the lounge looking out of the new patio doors, I espied a large Bumble Bee very busy on a...
Tis a Chrysanth methinks.
Crab Apples, I have never had so many, in fact two branches snapped with the weight of them, I did some hasty pruning managed to coerce a hefty...
After cussing and unkinking a very floppity garden hose and always getting an undeserved soaking purchased a new unkinkable hose but the garden...
Funny thing Colin Today I have just received Unwins Catalogue (Histon) they are the best...now making up my mind what colours to plant this year,...
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