I think the stems are rather too thick to cut out successfully. I think it would spoil the tree and possibly allow disease into the plant? I also...
Vertrees is the 'bible' so far as Japanese maples are concerned. You can not do better. It will be money well spent :)
Your mums acer should be outdoors. It will not survive inside
These treese DEMAND free draining soil. If you give them the conditions they need they will thrive. If you don't then you will continue to have...
I have left these on in the past and the result can be seen in the attached photograph - I think it makes the plant more of a 'tree' but the...
Buy your tree an umbrella and protect it from the sun during the day :) Seriously ... what I mean is .... provide it with some form of shade,...
Inside isn't a good idea Leave it outside in a cool sheltered spot and ensure that the soil is kept moist (not wet) Avoid a windy spot, or a...
I have just updated the web page link with a few more enlargeable pictures :)
Great job Mefinks there is a feeling of satisfaction there?
hehehe But it is hardly a 'garden' tree is it?
Rather too large for a small garden mefinks :)
If it dies Richard I can give you a few hundred :) You are certain to have them everywhere ..... I have, and they are a pain in the a$$ I am with...
I have had a liquidambar in the garden for almost 20 years now and it is still only about 12 feet high. It is in an open position and would have...
These new shoots will grow into a new multi stemmed tree and look fab :)
I tried this plant many years ago and after it died on me I passed it by It was given to me ... obviously I should have stolen the darned thing...
My garden can be accessed from the link under my name Fujiyama Japanese Garden :)
Here is a preview of my experiences yesterday I hope you enjoy :) http://www.fujiyamagarden.com/page22.html
.... and the birds love it at nesting time. Unfortunately they make quite a mess at that time of year :(
There was an earlier post 'Filming in Fujiyama' where I gave preliminary details Everything has swung into more action since then, and first...
The film crew arrive in a few days for the filming of 'Yuki' and today a new tiled roof was added to the Teahouse especially for the film :)
Separate names with a comma.