Mefinks Dai is my bestest fren :) I am definitely on his side LOL
Are they not damsons?
Or leave it to rot, and meantime make use of it as a feature, maybe place a potted plant on top, or a statue, or ...or...or.. (use your imagination :)
hehehe You guys are obviously a lot younger and fitter than me If I tried that there would be no more years left for me to benefit Nah ..... I...
Good post Julie My own wisteria took very many years to flower, and did so last year for the very first (there is a post on it somewhere) I didn't...
Sounds too much like work Spruce, although it is the text book answer for virgin soil :) I would probably leave this to over winter and break up,...
Easy to grow in the greenhouse. Never tried it outside, but it depends on the sort of weather you are getting :)
I live in the country and have loads of hawthorn self seeding. I also have local native wild flowers (admittedly I sowed my own meadow :)
It is too big for a normal garden and I doubt very much if the 'seeds' (the little winged fingies) are any good at all for birds. I have never...
For Agapanthus divide (or move) between spring and early summer, or in early autumn, after plants have finished flowering
October/November .... basically any time when the plants are dormant Never when in flower Best time to split Hostas, for example, is when the...
Sorry Dave I am a man of few words Yes ... nothing beats a try You could try wrapping it in fleece or bubblewrap and covering with a clear...
Red cordylines are very frost tender. You are going to have difficulty if our weather continues the way it has been this past year or so :(
I garden on heavy clay myself, which is why I have had to resort to taking steps to raise the planting hole of many of my plants, to get above the...
The problem with the above advice is that, if your ground is not draining at the moment, you are not going to achieve drainage by simply adding...
Hate those blo*dy things :)
Sounds like the spot your tree was in is far too wet. Planting another in the same spot will have a similar result You could try planting on top...
This stuff has been highly recommended for Japanese maples for a few years now. The top Dutch growers swear by the stuff. Must be some truth in...
Sounds like a very good idea Dim :)
My experience is that Japanese maples develop by themselves into attractive shapes and sizes However ... if you really want to shape the tree...
Separate names with a comma.