Mmm, he has some nice plants on there, but that plant looks to me a bit like a Kentia Palm, (also known as Howea forsteriana) especially this...
Anything that will give the trees a boost at this time of year is a good idea, and people tend to find a product that they are comfortable with...
The best way, perhaps the hardest it to folk out the ragwort plants before they go to seed and create a bigger problem.To use chemicals on...
As many years of working full time in gardens, my hands and nails have had a hammering. I rarely wear gloves, as there will be one day that I...
There was one at Writtle College in Chelmsford. It was there when I was studying, but that was almost 10 years ago!A friend of mine, bought...
(Ragwort is the Senecio family!)
Wow, looking better now, it just reminds me of ragwort! (the flower at least!)
What about me! (gone all shy now!:o)
Eucalyptus, and think very carefully before you plant one is my advice, as in their native country, they grow like a weed.But it does survive on...
I'll have to disagree with those above, I think that its an Ash tree, and in my opinion you need to get it out asap! Perhaps a close up on the...
Biggles in the cockpit!lol
Why join up to internet dating?Single also 0) lol
Is there any chance of a picture? To make a better diagnosis.
Hi tanzc69,There are lots of perennials that are around which would do the job, but the majority will not give you sufficient colour/privacy,...
I would perhaps suggest that the lawn is cut frequently, and applications of weed and feed are applied, at the correct intervals. Your grass looks...
What about Chamomile? You could make tea from that. I used to rinse my hair in an infusion of it, until I killed off the plant by cutting too...
I'm not sure about vinegar, I've not heard of that one!When I had my dogs, I always gave them some tomato, because apparently, something in the...
Agapanthus (normally in pots, but I've planted in a pot and sunk into the ground), Crocosmia, various shades of red and orange. Cana Lillies for...
Separate names with a comma.