Our hydrangeas always get the potato peeling water, minus the peelings during the summer. The more water the better!Hope yours recovers!
I fed my dogs on Skinners. My local hire place (one-man band) sold it,for about £14.00 for the basic 15kg stuff. (This was nearly 2 years ago),...
If it's on 'council land', contact your local tree officer who will come and look at the tree for you. Even if you are not sure whos land it is...
Hi Scotty!Rhododendron would be one, if the soil/conditions allow. You could also go for Laural, which has various types, or a viburnum,...
Someone posted this on Facebook, and I had a look at it and laughed! :hehe: and laughed and laughed and laughed!:lollol::lollol::lollol:
I'd give them both a good soak, and leave them in their pots to see if they start to look a bit happier, and then I would plant in a couple of...
Hee hee, I spent this morning out in the garden! First time in 6 months,(I've not been well) and it felt great! The list of jobs has got even...
No lights on in the houses
Don't forget you can take a cutting of your Fucshias during the summer months, I normally do mine in August September time, and I leave my...
Perhaps cinnamon would be worth a try first while you are trying to source other solutions to your problem....
Could it be a gooseberry?I recognise the leaves, but can not work out what it is!
I think that Aesculus is right, I'm thinking Hawthorn also.Does it have any thorns on the stems?If it was a Flowering Current, I would have...
it could be an anemone
:) done your survey!I dislike animal wise Cats (hate them pooing in the borders:mad:)weeds, well, several.......mainly mares tail, bindweed,...
The interior light in the car, should it be on?
Don't give your lawn too much water, or the seed will rot rather than germinate! I would imagine that there is enough moisture in the soil to get...
How about Choisya ternata 'Sundance',http://www.bbc.co.uk/gardening/plants/plant_finder/plant_pages/1125.shtmlIt does have a scent, which you...
X-ray Technician
Best place for vine eyes, a local hardware store, That's where I get my wire from also! When using them in a brick wall, I always use a rawlplug...
Looks like it could be a christmas rose, a Hellebor , but I'm not too sure.I hope you find its true identity soon!
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