I use moss with a small pot tray or dish in it and a water gel liner disc . I find the loose gel a bit messy.
Thank you . Yes that would make sence. I have got some touch up paint that came with it. I'll try a small area.
We have an Ivory leather chair that's starting to look a bit grim. I have cleaned it and nothing is coming off onto the white cloth but i can see...
It always seems to be bank Holidays when everything goes wrong thoughI have to laugh or I'd turn into a gibbering wreck. Can't wait to see...
O just norm for me on Bank holiday. Cars breaking down , tears and upset. It's becoming a pattern. I can't wait for the next one. It's only a...
Thanks for all the kind remarks and info. The sweet peas have been a few days now, up the trellis. They seem to be doing O'K They have certainly...
Who was it said, something always happens to me at bank holidays. You wouldn't believe it LOL
He was great. How sad was it.YouTube - Jamie Pugh - Singer - Britains Got Talent 2009 Ep 4 (Full Version)
Thanks, yes you might right about the frost. I have fed them . Fingers crossed
1st Perfect ... Youngdaisydee2nd Deadly Beauty ... MarleyFarley3rd Peawet ... Capney
That you all. It's very kind of you to say nice things about my garden. I do enjoy it but i am sure your gardens are as good if not a lot nicer...
Normally this time of the year my garden is full of colour from the many different coloured Azaleas I have collected over the years. This year it...
I love facebook. I have been in contact with people i haven't seen for years. I talk to people from all over the world. Other gardeners,...
Don't you just hate slugs and snails. You spend time and money , grow your plants , and they come and eat them.
Thank you. I am really trying hard to get the garden right this year. I have planted lots of new things and moved a lot round. The last couple...
I agree 100% , well said.Cats can carry Tapeworm, Roundworm, Hookworms, Feline leukemia virus, FIP (feline Infectious...
I have just got back from my Dad's, who is 81 next month. Someone as thrown curry all over the front window of his house. Why would they do that...
It's also raining and cold in Birmingham. So today I will do all the other jobs I should have done but didn't because when the sun was out I was...
Yes I think your right. I think it will be through the shrubs. Now to decide, in the ground or a tub. LOL But not today it's pouring down. :(
Morning all. What a difference a day makes. Yesterday beautiful sunshine. Today Rain.
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