I have always paid and I have been told I won't get a state pension until I'm 62. I was born to late.:dh: Is it correct you get more as a couple...
In a moment of madness I brought some sweet pea seeds without thinking what I would do with them. I have never grown any before and didn't think...
Sorry forgot to say happy anniversary. 32 years the same as us. We have never had a crossed word either :skp: :hehe:
Well done rosa. Lovely photo.
Simply beautiful. I have always loved the Japanese type gardens. Your website and garden are Stunning.
:okies: Thanks
I found a flag and it was displayed today. Why, because I'm English and proud of it.
Sunshine yellow[img]
Hello , nice of you to join us. Not that I'll be much help to you. I have to ask the questions about gardening on here. But I have learnt a lot...
It's just L O V E L Y :yho:
Happy Birthday:hpbthd::hpbthd:
I hardly ever buy plants bulbs etc from a nursery. They are just to expensive for me. I'm not that bothered about variety just a long as the...
I hope your right but I wouldn't hold your breath .:hehe:
Hi all , our weather is lovely today. Sunny , blue sky and it's getting warm just like yesterday. :)
Sky + ,DVD & Video recorders and repeats.Personally I would want to stay well away from the pub and it's idiots. You can always turn the...
I'm reading 'Pete my story' by Pete Bennette the young man that won Big brother . Very sad in parts and an insight into the problems that come...
Anyone reading any good books ? I only got into reading properly about 5 years ago. When i stopped sleeping well. I really enjoy them now and...
I thought that a bit strange. Explanations needed i think
So far so good, not that i have much thats delicate in my garden i have to have plants that service me.:hehe:
Morning all, I have just been out to hang the washing and it's COLD!!!!!!! At least it's stopped raining and sun is forecast for later.
Separate names with a comma.