Yes I did miss you and a few others, It as been a bit quiet on here. Pleased your back.
I'm at the sieve stage at the moment, how fast does this stuff grow even this early in the year.:( I'll try the flooding , but I'm a bit worried...
Whats the best way to get rid of Duckweek, I had a terrible problem with it last year. I would prefer some natural way if possible but I'm ready...
Morning all, another perfect spring type morning here again.
That is interesting Capney. Keep us posted. I have just cleaned out one of our ponds . We have loads of frogspawn but none that colour.
I would of slowed along side and chatted, like I do with everyone, then casually slipped in. You all right there with those bags. I to still live...
Hi all, it's foggy here ,but you can just tell it's going to burn off to a lovely day again.:yho:
I have the pond cleaning on my list for tomorrow. Weather permitting. No frogspawn yet but plenty of frogs about today.
Hi all, it started off a bit iffy but this afternoon it's. FANTASTIC.:yho: Been in the garden most of the day. I have cuts and scatches up my...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY :hpbthd::hpbthd:
Yes i was thinking the same thing. Just lovely.
No spawn yet , but i have seen a few very chunky frogs today.
Same here. I started late last summer August time. Mine is hidden behind a large Camilla in half sun but well protected from the cold. keep...
Sorry to here your Mother as had the virus. It really is a stinker, I'm normaly healthy and fit and it's knocked me sidewardsHow would I start...
The blood tests are back, good news, I'm as healthy as a butchers dog LOL :yho: The doctor said I probably have post viral fatigue. Due to...
The fish are up looking for food and a frog was trampolining across the net this morning. Everything is coming to life. I Love it.
Well it's done and over with now. Just got to get better. I'm sure by next week you will be fine. It's amazing how well our bodies heal.
As long as it's not bleeding and you have the clotting in the extraction's . I would say it's the bruising. But I'm no medic so if your worried...
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