Hi SparlingsI cut my beech hedge in June and in September. I don't know if this is what keeps the leaves on in winter but something does!...
Hi Shaunster and welcome to the forumYour box hedge will be slow growing throughout its life and so I wouldn't have expected much growth since...
Hi SparlingsWelcome to the forum.That's a long hedge and I'd be inclined to go with what you've already suggested for the right side....
WeddWelcome to the forum. Here's the thread that Landlubber has referred to above:...
What a shame. My best guess is earwigs are responsible. Here's a link that might help:http://www.rhs.org.uk/advice/profiles0800/earwigs.asp
Microbabes16Now that is weird! If your onions were short of nutrients, I'd have guessed they would have died down or bolted sooner rather...
I'm puzzled how a fir that's only the height of a standard fence panel can have a trunk "close to a foot thick". That's a weird looking fir! Has...
Microbabes16Where you live is very relevant because down here, we often get a warm dry spell in September and October. In the past, this has...
Hi JanIf you're mulching as a feed, then home-produced compost or leaf mould is good because they're not too rich.But since you can...
IvoryPowdery mildew thrives in dry conditions so it's not like mildew in buildings which is associated with dampness.Like Pete says,...
A huge flying snail!Roders - you have my deepest admiration if you can garden with pests like those about.
I heard on the radio a few days ago that butterflies have had a bad summer this year - except large and small cabbage whites!AdamI'm...
They all look pretty vigorous, despite the insect attacks. Can I ask what you've been feeding them with, please?
Hi MiffyI grew tansy briefly while going through a "all herbs must be good to grow" phase. Then I discovered how invasive it can be!Any...
Pick them off and squash them. Trouble is, the tricky ones move into the heart of the plant to conceal themselves from natural predators and so...
Oh dear. Oh dearie, dearie me. Commiserations.I'd definitely try the small mesh netting which has worked well for me this year.
Hi Quaedor36Crop rotation is a sensible policy but it'll be interesting to see what happens if you just change the growing medium, rather than...
It's worth a shot, I reckon, since you're growing your carrots and garlic in fresh compost in the ground. But I wouldn't want to try this with...
DaiI used to get sooty mould on my sweetcorn plants. How easily it came off depended on how long I'd left it there. Check out this link; you...
Sounds like sooty mould, Nut. It grows on honeydew secreted by sap sucking insects. Not usually harmful, just unsightly and it persists long...
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