Thanks for the reassurance, I'll leave it be then. When we moved in, there was a lilac tree closer to the wall than the silver birch and a huge...
I have this idea for garden furniture. You know how you can use a slice of log as a little stool? Well, I want to do something similar, but slice...
Ours is definitely in the small garden category. About 18ft square. Yours is positively huge by comparison! lol! When I was house hunting, I very...
It was in the ornamental garden, along the back wall. It didn't have a label and looked as though it might have sneaked in as there wasn't much of it.
Looking at pics of convolvulus, the flowers weren't so open as that either, but still bell shaped. Lovely sky blue.
Stupidly, I didn't take a picture, so I'll try and describe as best I can. I saw it at Alnwick gardens, so is anyone going there soon? ;) It...
No, it's a kind of workshop at the bottom of the garden on the next street. We saw an uprooted silver birch and the rootball was incredibly small...
Interesting idea! Mine faces north and has a three storey wall at the bottom of it. It's only about 6mx6m, but does get some sun. My method so...
I tried it and it didn't work. I've also tried the lemon and the garlic scented ones and pepper spray. My lawn is currently netted over while new...
It says here, under the 'information' tab,...
Hmm, I'm just going to have to plant it and see aren't I? It's not exactly the same colour as any I have seen as perennials. White petals with a...
Finally got round to taking a pic This was taken when there wasn't even any wind blowing,...
Thanks! That's great news. Just got to decide where to put it now...
I bought one of these today and it says on the label 'lasts for one season'. Now, I'm sure I've seen perennial osteospermums? Or am I getting...
Thanks all. I just didn't want it to end up growing distorted that was all. We cut down 2 dreadfully wonky trees which were far too big for the...
We planted a silver birch last year. It's about 9-10ft tall now. It has one main, central top branch which is really getting blown about in the...
Mine are the same! I came on here today to ask about them. I had them in a heated propagator. first taking the lid off, then turning the heat off...
I have quite a bad greenfly problem in my garden this year. My silver birch was absolutely covered! I bought some spray for it which has cured the...
I think bronze may have an effect elainefiz. I have a set of bronze (looking at least) pots with various things in, including a hosta, and they...
Hmmm, digging one up-that might work. Did yours spread? Have emaliled your site dendrobium. �£197 for 100g!!!
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