Well whats it like without the grass box fitted then ? dose it spread out fairly even ? i think my john deere is on the way out
Playing hard toget eh :rolleyes: what do you mean weed suppressent application ?
she is built like a rugby player and has a face like a bulldog licking pi$$ off a nettle are you sure u dont want me to get you in contact ???
Yeah well im not holding me breath that work will start anyttime soon its been we will start next year since i was 3 lol its most of the estate...
Its really poor soil mostly subsoil infact i think the main reason she wants cheep is that the wall down the side there may be nocked down (and it...
sounds great
Do i take it from that then ypu dont want me to pass ur email address on to her :)
:thumb:Well done thats what i did :Dwhat units are you doing ?
The hayter is only 2 litres smaller in the grass bag that your mower pro;) ive never had problems with briggs and stratton myself eitherWhat...
Yep cracking aint it lol i think its due to how much of a slope it is the top few steps have quite a lean on em to
Well whatever she decides on ive got to get up and down all them steps lol:p shes also tight as a ducks ass :rolleyes: i think the gravel route...
Yep at least this year the vans not filling with water to lol
ill put this the nicest way i can your more her type ;)i hope it continues to ive never worked for someone an hope i never have to :D
This is one of my customers front gardens [img]she wants me to do something to keep the weeds down but im at a bit of a loss cos of how steep...
I was supposed to cut this today :( just a little to wet :rolleyes:[img]
Id say a hayter ranger but its the knee high grass bit that puts a spanner in the works !
got one of them now :DWell i recon she might be jealous of me (an not being big headed here ) cos im doing quite well formyself now :thumb:
thanks :D i dont usually do this type of fence an im very pleased how well its going due to the slope of the garden :)
nah she aint shy the verbal abuse she once directed at my brother in law proves it to lol i think shes just a bit radio rental
Yeah but some sod might nick it !
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