id do the lot if i was you and if there is a cut down pannel at one end move it to the other that way you can cut the posts off at ground level...
you should get a load and start selling em at 20 quid a go :thumb:
Im happy enough to buy them bare rooted and they have come on great cos they looked like 2 bits of twigg when they came ! is there anyone else you...
Well im not either ive seen it on video ;):D ill have to keep looking for something cheep :thumb:
Well basically there not in compost so when you get them you need to pot em up straight away ive never had probs with the company and neither did...
Thats a good idear nut but there a bit pricy lol i think she thinks i dont know the tune so i want something from the program really :D i think...
nah it wont ;) however look here cheep at twice the price it seams it was 8 foot at the...
Just make sure u watch out for stones;) i once hit a customer when i was strimming :o
They were free actually:D think out of the daily mail from thompson and morgan :thumb: oh an i am loaded anyway lol lol :p im quite pleased...
Looks good so far if i was you though i wouldnt strimm it that way you will have more to grab hold of when your digging out the weeds;)
ypu put the http part in twice :thumb:
Well ok ill admit to a sentimental atatchment to a couple of bits of machinery :o one my first mower and the second a rotovator i bought my gramps...
[img]might get that blown up :D dunno what her dam problem is :rolleyes:
Brambles and anything prickly hideing in a privit hedge i dont see until i get it stuck in me hand clearing up
My neighbours daughter has taken to whistleing the theam to steptoe and son when she sees me in the front garden or im getting me tools out the...
[img] getting there:D
Thanks [img]
Ive thought a bit more and i did name my last van ****ing piece of **** :rolleyes:
Ah but if i spent ages taking everything out cleaning it then putting it back in by this time tomorrow it ull be just as dirty [img]
What do you mean dont think long term ?
Separate names with a comma.