Work on the logic of what might offend a church going American. we had a problem with this sort of thing on a caravan forum where you could not...
I have a seed pan of Orthrosanthus laxus. I have just been out to check the name. They have just germinated this week and there are a lot of...
When I was at Gardener's World Live I bought a few Sisyrinchiums. I think they are gorgeous little flowers. I used to have quite a little...
I have been growing Dieramas for the last few years. This is the first of a batch of seedlings that i was planning to sell in flower. They are...
I was advised to feed my Echium fastuosum cause it was losing leaves - i have to admit I was giving them all a starvation diet cause I thought...
My Echiums were in the cold greenhouse last winter. When we had that cold spell I dragged all the pots into the conservatory for a few days. They...
I would sow the Echiums in spring. They are on the border line of hardiness so i would not want to nurse seedlings through the winter. The seed is...
Just had a look at the T and M web site. Neither Allium christophii or Echium fastuosum are biennials, they are perennial. Echium fastuosum forms...
I would not start off Allium chrstophii just yet. if I remember correctly is is a cold germinater. Will look it up to check.
I take it you don't have a snail problem then. I remember a quote I once read" you don't have a snail problem, you just have a duck deficit"
If anyone is going to the West Mid Show in Shrewsbury this weekend, June 23rd -24th Country Markets have a plant stall. I took some plants down...
Camellias will take pretty severe pruning. My mother did one of her subtle prunings - reduced it to stumps from over 8 foot high and they came...
You mean some people let their dog's poo in the garden??? :eek: Poppy, my German Shepherd would be most offended if anyone suggested she was...
With broom do not cut back into the old wood. We used to have several on the front bit between ours and the neighbours. Their helpful elderly...
I too grow Pentland Javelin and have been eating them for a week, though they are not the earliest of the earlies. I started growing Pentland...
Well by elimination - its not mountain ash cause it doesn't have the leaf serrations. Its definitely not beech or elm. Have just looked at a young...
Well I will buy F1 hybrid seed sometimes and can appreciate that that it is difficult to produce, but generally they do what they say. However one...
The bottom of the flower stem is to the left and that is 12 inches from the rest of the plant. It is completely broken. The plant is OK, its just...
Last year I bought a plant i had never ever seen or even heard of before, Cypella herbertii. It was so gorgeous I wanted to propogate it from...
My onions have really shot up since the photo. Will have to take another pic soon. Just hope the necks don't get too thick. At the back is a row...
Separate names with a comma.