I used the line of cotton thread trick. I read or was told that they land next to the pond and then wade in. So you get some canes and position...
But what would this store look like? Trouble is if you make it look like a piece of vegetation, or some ornament etc it can easily look a bit...
So Neem oil controls diseases? I looked on that site and could not see any reference to it being used in the garden. There was a reference to it...
I have had problems with whitefly in the greenhouse in the past on the tomatoes. I did not want to use insecticides, well not persistent ones...
But then you are breaking the law. The trouble with this idea of catching them and disposing of them ....its the same with pigeons. You might...
Underground - all the tools would end up rusty. Why not build a storage box that is both practical and fulfills two purposes? How about a nice...
I think honey fungus would go for living wood, not bark or wood chips. Main problem i find is that it all looks very nice and neat. Then a day...
Yes I can follow the runners across the border! What do you mean by pernicious? The web page was very interesting and explains its habits in my...
It can survive shallow burial and cutting of the leaves but not cutting and removal of the crowns. To be honest i don't find this buttercup...
With the creeping buttercup its the crown that you need to get rid of. I have a damp border which it invades from next door every so often. I use...
When writing letters of complaint try to use snail mail. E-mail is too easy to ignore. With a letter you are more likely to get a response.
Red Devil has what i would call purple blossom but you can check it on this web site http://web.ukonline.co.uk/suttonelms/apple52.html
Could well be Red Devil. Look at this site http://www.brogdale.org/nfc_plants1.php?plantid=7 look under National Fruit Collection and type name...
It doesn't look like Spartan to me which is more boxy in shape. Also Spartan has pure white flesh without the staining. I ate one just to check!
When having a bonfire it is best to make sure the stuff is well dried out. Then it goes up quickly and fiercely with very little smoke. I cannot...
Where I walk the dog there certainly sounds like there is a lot of them. You usually hear a jay rather than see them and I only get a glimpse as...
Yes you cannot say we can save money by killing prisoners and use it to save cancer patients. You could just as easily say lets not spend money on...
It is not the effect it has on the soil. Being organic it will rot down to nutrients. Its what it will attract while it is rotting down. The only...
I think it died because you built over the roots. If you bury the root system deeper, even if you don't pile soil against the trunk you can kill...
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