He must be knocking on a bit now. he still writes for the Lady magazine - my mother in law gets it. Same down to earth style he used to have when...
About the frogs? Leave them be. They will be eating the bugs. I have frogs and newts in my greenhouse and as far as i am concerned the more the...
Very old joggers usually but shorts if its warm enough and old T shirt worn not tucked in, so the dirt and grit does not drop into my nether...
Yes Krsyssy the 3rd one is my favourite as well. They did not seem too fussed about me and in fact i did try taking one photo using the macro...
I saw a leylandii hedge the other side of our town. It was in the narrow bit between the drives of neighbouring houses. It had reached about 8...
I thought they used to cut it up when they harvested it but at the farm where I keep the caravan the farmer showed me the silage clamp he was...
Got some photos of the Painted Ladies. They have such beautiful shading on the underside of the body and not just the underside of the wings....
I think M-L's storks will have made their way down the East coast of Spain to cross by Gibraltar. I think the East European population fly along...
Wondering about this idea of rotting them in the black bin bag. If they are shredded then would they rot down quicker? Its fungi that do the...
Before you chuck them over next time try dabbing them with a bit of paint. I read somewhere that they have quite a pronounced homing instinct. It...
Difference is the big oak tree would have been there when you moved in so it would be your own fault for choosing to live there. Leylandii grow so...
The farmers don't neccesarily need it to pollinate. They just cut the whole plant and turn it into silage. They can direct sow it whereas we...
They winter in tropical Africa down as far as South Africa. They don't like flying over large bodies of water so yours will have flown South via...
Can't see that it would make much difference. If you have beech or oak leaves then it might be worth while making leaf mould. I just chuck them in...
I don't think you could do much this year. It was just too wet and cold. The pollen was probably not running in sufficient quantities. Just hope...
Wouldn't the armandii be a bit too tender for the fence? Chain link is going to have the wind blasting through it. I have an armandii on a south...
Are you sure its musk rat? I wondered whether they are coypu.
Can you get some photos and E-mail to them? While it may be unlikely i would share your concern and I would rather have a diagnosis when after all...
I thought the RSPB were now saying to feed them all year round. Garden feeding has benefitted quite a few species and if the food supply suddenly...
Well if its honey dew on the willow it will be a sugary solution and I suppose it must be fermenting and that is why the wasps are getting stoned....
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