Goodmorning MW 5 fuchsia plants and you will have a stunning show. Which fuchsia are you growing ?
Auntie Jinks growing as a Bonsai fuchsia in early stage [IMG]Uploaded with
I have many of these delights . But have never tried to divide or propagate. Be interested to here if this is possible.
Joolz I shall pots your fuchsia cuttings next week .
Looking good Anthorn ,I fill be following as it grows with updated photos. Thankyou for sharing.
Can we have a photo please Trevor?
Wow what a beautiful garden to play with just a little idea.Could you make a secret suncken garden here
And here in Scotland my baskets will not go out untill 1st week in June always
Chan I was at Angusplants last night but they did not have a white or cream one. But you can see what I bought here....
Here are my new ariculas everyone [IMG]Uploaded with
Emily Thankyou for the kind offer but a bit far for me . Bit it would have been wonderful. This is a big ask though . Would he have a white...
Can we see photos of your lovely roses Victoria please.
My new collection I shall share photos later. Chaffinch Trudy Blue Yodeler Lucy Locket old favourite red Northern Lights Waltons up Tawny Nickety...
I am going to collect my order tonight of these delights.
I have never taken cuttings Jiffy of forsythia but maybe you could try taking a cutting of both now.
Chequered Flag just about open. [IMG] Uploaded with
Your welcome Lolimac good luck with your cuttings.
Well folks changing again think now we are getting think we are now getting the Teuchat Storms snowing now ,roll on bonnie warmer days.
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