:D:D:D Thats Class, Rosa..
Hi Aaron, here's a link to our Mug Shots :) There's Pages and Pages of them!!!!...
Hahaha Rosa, Bet he's got a builders Bum as well :)
Hi John, Great to have you back :gnthb:Ok ill give you the list of the plants,I know I was being Lazy when i uploaded the pics, I had been up...
Thanks Bob, The Bottle is Cassie's Lead!!! :D Ive been known to move 27 of them at once, hidden amongst the old shrubs, She was one year old when...
We are Vicky, He's just gone out for a pint or 10 :) I couldn't be bothered, was up early, Planting to be done haha... And Ditto, hope your...
Hahaha Steve, Wouldn't Bl***y dare :D Ive been wondering how long it will take for the snails to move in, Grrrrr..
Mine are still in the Ghouse Ming, We had Frost last night so im not chancing it, Ive planted them in my hanging basket (trailing strawbs) so when...
WoW what a Beautifull Day, Its like july here in the Northeast, Phew :cool:Its so nice we got the garden furniture out :thmb:[img]...
Thanks Kristen, I love the wall too :gnthb: and there's loads of planting space...OK I started Planting :yho: Brought the plants from the...
Hi Nick, A Great Big Welcome To GC From Me, Dee :gnthb:
Aww sorry to hear about Red, he looked like a smashing cat, my dad used to say that cats go away to die, maybe there's a bit of truth in that! He...
I have the same message in PB!
Hi John, welcome to GC..
Hahahahaha, Wonder if his bedroom is that tidy :)
WoW, Loofah-Plantstar :luv: Go For It :gnthb:
What a difference a hard days work makes Dols, You have Definatley got the gardening bug :)
Thanks Lolli, the black tulips beside the cream wont be long now, also planted black and bright purple together last year, looking forward to...
Yeah Adam, Read about it last week, £3 a bag, also 20% off ALL plants untill the 8th, im going tonight :)
Great, pics from the start:thumb: you can Show us the Good the Bad and the Ugly :D
Separate names with a comma.