It's very individual how people react in an emergency. I turn into a lean mean efficient boss machine, the pitch of my voice lowers and I give...
Great to hear things are brightening up for you, @trogre :)For annuals, I can recommend J Parker's plugs, very good value and some good...
Your relentless investigator returns to report: [ATTACH]
What kind of look and height are you after @Simon Peake ? Formal, topiary, flowering, relaxed...?If you like something deciduous perhaps you...
My alert arrived promptly at 14.58 but my daughter's never came. I told her that in an emergency, taxpayers are a priority over students and other...
It has been raining non stop since last night, so a perfect afternoon to plant the Sweet Peas around the rose obelisk. :ideaIPB:Getting wise in...
That's it, thank you @Silver surfer ! And now I know why it was familiar, it reminds me of common Borage.Wonderful plant. :)
About knee high, it's hard to tell as the banks are nearly vertical.
Gardener's World May issue with 2 for1 discount card for garden visits and both Belsay Hall and Alnwick Castle gardens we regularly visit are on...
This is somewhat familiar, and wonderful. It grows in large drifts on the steep banks in Jesmond Dene . No flowers or buds were visible even when...
Based on your photo @Michael Hewett , I found a similar pot on Woodlodge website and indeed it has a hole!I have asked them for the reason and...
A day off! Had my hair cut and in Wilko's till queue was was referred to as "The Young Lady" :biggrin: With formidable self control I didn't turn...
When potting up my lot (Sweet Olive and Big Mama) I found one Big Mama looking very sad and leggy as it was further away from the grow lamps. I...
Had a nice one this week, our Tesco home delivery man complimented our front garden a lot and pointed out (and named) several plants he likes. We...
Looking at the hole closer up, it doesn't seem to have a function and almost looks like someone has made it afterwards. Sort of punched it...
A wonderful problem garden to have, so much more interesting than a flat square of grass. :)Do you have a must-have and nice-to-have lists? It's...
Another vote for hand weeding. An old table knife works well and it's quite therapeutic to sit on the grass and pull the things up. :)If you...
Planted the soaked Anemone Blanda corms. I used to have a lot in a nice pot but they disappeared in some house move. A house nearby has a...
Whittle a suitable plug from a wine bottle cork, leaving a small stump. Push it in from the inside.It will swell up to become watertight. Pinot...
Hi James, multi purpose compost would be fine, if you have sharp sand or gravel at hand I'd suggest to mix in a handful. Dracaenas like a good...
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