I really like it - prefer it to the old. I frequent another forum which uses this skin - so am fairly well aquainted, but definitely think it is...
Our pond was 85% filled with frogspawn, full of frogs and a great success...until we came back from our holiday to Paris. All the frogspawn had...
Aha - I see it now - you just need to highlight the bare bits to read the text! I like it! :D Fun and games! and secret messages!
That's a great price! I recently bought my first 2 GB card, and managed to fit our entire week away in Paris (including some short videos)....
I tend to change the text size through the 'view' option on my toolbar thingy! I like it at 'largest' (especially if I'm not wearing my contact...
I think it is red clover - I have nurtured one for the bees near my pond. Could be wrong, but I think they grow bigger than the white ones you...
Lidl are selling push-mowers this coming week (are the deals the same in all branches?) I miss mine, bought a Flymo as found pusher tricky on...
Hi Alison and gingernutsman, and welcome! There's lots of discussion on here, and lots to learn too! I pop in now and again, especially when...
Fabulous photos - great thread!
My first idea was to 'plant' lots of vertical twigs/sticks at random heights between your herbs to stop them perching. Thought I'd include it,...
Morning everyone! It's wet, wet, wet here in Southern Scotland!
Is this the right section? My son and I visited Paris a few weeks ago, seeing the sights, soaking up the atmosphere and wallowing in culture!...
As far as I'm aware, things aren't TOO bad in the SW of Scotland - I filled up at the end of last week, and have been walking to work to save...
LOL, I think the + is for your favorite friends/buddies/comrades!
Have a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOL! :thumb:
:) I too recognise the style from another forum, and I like it! (favorite feature is the 'new posts' option) Can't find anything flashy either,...
Lovely!!! Are there three?Good to see your garden looking grand again after the floods!
Interesting one!I have used many human compost toilets and know my mum used to flush dog poo down the loo (or used compostable bags for...
Beautiful pics, I LOVE the wildflowers under the olive trees, something nostalgic that tweeks at my heart!
Those are the blighters!I tend to pick them out one at a time, and feed them to the birds, it seems a waste to throw out the entire plant! They...
Separate names with a comma.