Sorry to hear about Morgan. :(I very recently burried a sweet little guinea pig, and planted a daphne on top, as it is out as this time of...
Great info - thanks!
[img] [img] [img]
Thanks for that - I too had forgotton. As this is in the Muppet section, am a little wary that this has been a practical joke, seeing me being...
Thankyou for kind words, and sorry to dampen your plans CM - though live in hope - they may find a way in their their own!Have to say, i chose a...
The three amigos![img]
Heard recently on radio that it is now frowned upon to transport spawn etc from pond to pond, as there are some diseased that are killing...
Don't know of any fertilizers that will help - first thing I though was it is more likely to be over/under watering. If that is in order, perhaps...
Not just in America!Here's a 'flash mob' video of a 'big freeze' in Edinburgh! Caught the tail end of it on the news, but missed the actual...
I am no expert, but I think the last two pics could be bracket fungus Kedi-gato. They are usually found on silver birch. They are really hard to...
The last sweet pea packet I bought said that they were not to be soaked. I have tried soaking, not soaking, chipping and not chipping - doesn't...
I have four guinea pigs - completely pampered indoor piggies. I know that it is commonplace in the UK to keep these critters outdoors, in a...
Just to back up DAG's comment - make sure there are no weeds in it - I brought in the dreaded creeping buttercup in some manure from a friends...
Wow - everyone is so far ahead! Beautiful springtime piccies!I have a few of the wee violet crocci coming through, and a wonderful hamamelis....
Seen one or two frogs the past week or so, but pond has been frozen over the last few days, so nothing yet (it would be early for us though.)
My woprmery never regained itself after I lost at least 50% of them on the first night - all over the kitchen floor. So...I may not be the best...
I did first aid as a guide (over 20 years ago), and it is one of the most worthwhile things I have ever done. I did an uptpdate course through...
I hard prune my eucalyptus at about this time of year every year (into a lollipop shape). If you don't want to cut it back altogether, you could...
Fantastic pictures - I especially like the female blackbird, and the chaffinch.Did I miss the bit where you told us how you got so close - or...
Your photo looks like a pulmonaria to me - but the leaves in your first pics don't!
Separate names with a comma.