Here are some more that have come in. Its not everyday your daughter gets married so I might as well milk it.:wink::hehe: Here are the...
Thank you all for your lovely comments :) Yes it was a a day to remember. It wasnt the best of days weather wise, but the sun shone for the photos...
I love this one :luv: [img]
Im sorry if I have done this wrong admin, but it has taken me 3 days just to do this. :help: 02 X
The happy couple :yho: [img]
Heres a photo of them with Paul the vicar who has spent a lot of time with them over the weeks before the wedding and it was his 1st wedding...
This is my smitten son in law Awwwww:luv: [img]
[img] This was the wedding transport, a London double decker bus. It also took the guests to the reception. It had ribbons on the front as a...
Sorry Im having trouble posting pics, so if this comes out all wrong its my fault.:dh: I will do my best though. These are just a few snap shots...
Nice to see your still the master of the brugs Walnut.:gnthb: You seem to have the magic touch.:wink: 02
Me too Rosa, I bought myself 3 this year. Never tried them before because I thought they were only for people who had green fingers:hehe: Our Ming...
Hi everyone sorry ive not been on for a while. Reasons, Some of it has been bad but some has been good, Im glad to say for a change. My daughter...
Thank you everyone for your concern and support it really means alot to me, you are good friends. Im going to have to pull myself together and and...
Sorry woo I take so long to type:) X
Where are you Woo you are normally here first before me. Ive not been on for a few days coz life has dealt me a few blows lately. After 18 months...
:hpbthd:Happy Bitrthday Woo, hope you had a lovely day. Best wishes, wendy X
Gogs I do hope that is true, as we have had no rain today.:thmb: 02
I know the older cars better than the new ones Rosa, Its hard to tell but is the car in your pic a humber hawk? My ex husband had one and the...
After loads of trying, Ive managed to upload the other slideshow, sorry that a few of these are quite dark as it was quite overcast that day, and...
Separate names with a comma.