Bare with me boghopper, I think Ive got the hang of it at last.:gnthb: 02
I had the same problem lindyco, but have since found out our Ming (my avitar) has been cocking his leg on it the little BLEEP!!! :dh: 02
Sorry Rosa I was miles away didnt notice your reply. Yes Ive managed to do all that its getting it from PB to here where I am having a problem....
Hiya evryone, This is supposed to be a slide show. Could you please tell me if it works please. Thanks 02 [img]
My B&Q in Stretford is no better, its only round the corner from me but i try and avoid it if possible. I find it so upsetting to see the plants...
Not bad here at the moment, abit cloudy but its warm and bright, so I am going to get out in the garden before it changes its mind :skp: 02
Morning Shiney,Hel, Rosa and everyone. I know what you mean about the clover on the grass Shiney, I love to see the bees on it as nature intended,...
Im trying to download pics from our day out at the steam Rally, but having great difficulty at the mo, things have changed so much on photobucket...
Unfortunatley you cant have anything hanging over the balcony due to health and safety. But Im sure our Rosa can fill you in on what you can and...
Certainly gets the imagination going Robert:cnfs: 02
May I ask Woo, where they were taken. They are well done,for the life of me I cant see the stitching:wink: 02
Good morning, Shiney,Rosa,Woo,Kandy, peri and all. Its so good to see you all again and thanks for the welcome backs:wink: Al and i are off to...
lemon cheese cake Mmmmmm
I was bought sparkys magic piano as a child and I still have it:thmb:
Phew I wouldnt like to have to feed that guy:dh: 02
Same here Adam, Ive heard the same thing a guy in a van with a load speaker asking for any old iron. It takes me back some also.:dh: 02
Hello everybody, Im so sorry i have not been able to get in touch:flag:. My son-in-law to be, cleaned my computer discs for me and lost all my...
Morning all, beautiful day here again today. Well todays the day for Mr 02's hospital appointment the 1st since his radiotheropy last November....
Hi everyone, it started off very misty this morning here too, but now the sun is shining and the sky is blue what more could one ask for.:yho: 02
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