I watched a gardeners world programme when Monty Don was the presenter. I remember him doing a trail and the out come was more or less the same,...
Woo, as you are so well experienced in roses as it it your hobby. Could I ask if you know how to go about having a new rose named after someone?...
What a beauty Woo, as much as I like a deep red rose, I think a yellow one is something really special. After all its the rose of peace. What more...
Mrs Jones refused any help untill she had her photo taken to help her claim in, "If you have had an accident in the past 3 years and it was not...
The Estrelicia (bird of paradise) will well and truely be a challenge. I am growing from seed and apparentley, even if I manage to germinate the...
Thank you everyone for all your helpful tips. I think this might be quite interesting. I will be giving these seeds and bulbs the best Ive got....
Hiya Pete the pic on the Lirio bulbs look like an iris (yellow and white). Its looking like most of the seeds and bulbs i bought are from sub...
That looks lethal Cap!!! s00k
Awww Whis4ey, I hope there is not to much damage and they manage to bounce back in the spring.:flag::thmb: 02
I brought some seeds and bulbs home from my hols: Lirio Misto. Estrelicia. Nerine pink. Ixias. and Massaroco. The problem is they...
That looks so pretty Chris.:luv:
Hope you had a great day Strongy!!! [img]
Ahhhh yes, I have seen them now come to think of it. As for the mars bars Music, your wife is a girl after my own heart. :thmb::hehe: 02
Love your icicles John. I was only saying the other day to Al that ive not seen icicles since I was a kid.:old: Disgusting as it may seem now,...
Hi Gogs, it's the 1st thing I do when i get up in the morning, as the feeders keep freezing up over night. Fat balls, seed and peanuts. Ive...
Your right Jaz, I bet you will get a buyer Steve.:lollol: 02
I remember the days Rosa,:old: I would rather freeze as long as I looked good.:thmb: Then you get older and more sensible...........most of the...
SALT!!!! try and get the stuff. Cheap salt, Lo salt, Sea salt any salt....no chance.:flag: Its all been used on the snow and ice. Mmmmmm reminds...
My Al says for a sensible person I can be quite naive sometimes.:scratch: BUT.... Im not to proud to ask.........What is a nordic walker?:cnfs:...
Thats awful Sarah, I really feel for you.:( As much as I call our Ming at times Id be heartbroken if someone took him away. I dont live...
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