Personally, I think artificial flowers would, (to use an expression the children themselves might use) 'look naff'. Bedding plants are going to be...
Cor, tea 'n biccies? Round here, we used to get tea and biscuits, then they changed and you got a glass of orange 'juice' (squash to the rest of...
It wasn't intended to be arrogant, merely an observation that most people here seem to have had the type of education which befits them to spell...
Do people really need a spell-checker? I mean ..... really???? :what: :thud:
My garden's had a 'funny old winter'. Yes, there is the usual crop of weeds beginning to pop up everywhere, but things like the penstemons,...
Many thanks for the replies. The 'shed' in question, I should have perhaps pointed out, is but a shell. The roof fell in last year and we did...
In a not so distant corner of my garden is an old 12' x 14' wooden shed; for years we've been meaning to 'do something about it', and, since it's...
Ah - I managed to stop Readers Digest. Each time they send you something, you take every bit of paper out of the envelope, tear it up (apart...
I'm guessing it depends what size, what you need to move and how far you need to travel. We've hired a van 3 times; the first time (when we...
Remember when there used to be TV repair men who'd come to the house and fix things? Ours was .... Mr. Patchett, I kid you not. In a village not...
Numpties like me will be asking ... will I have to do anything? Only I'm still on 'the pills' from when we had to reset passwords and 'things' in...
React and they'll 're-react'; ignore 'em and they'll get fed up.
Well, I did it and it disclosed what I already knew, that I do swear but only under extreme provocation and usually only when I'm alone. Old...
:loll::loll: Or, as my daughters would say .... 'Oh, puuurleeese'
I got 12 on the test - emailed the link to Mr. F'smum saying I found the 'blue to mauve' the more difficult and received the reply ..... "Which...
My Father got round this conundrum by reciting his own mantra each time the 'd' word was mentioned ... 'You choose it, I'll use it'. Thus, my...
I've come a bit late to this, but it's interesting to read that some of us still cook in the 'old fashioned' way. Like many, I have two...
Thank you, yes. I used it when installing older software, it managed to force most of my programs to work, for which I was grateful, but there...
Well, it's a well documented fact that I know nowt about computerables, but I hate Windows7 with a passion - not least because most of the...
For what it's worth, my favourite strawberries are Royal Sovereign and Cambridge Favourite.
Separate names with a comma.