Our Head Office uses 0870, but I demanded they provide me with a geographical number. I told them I was not going to pay premium rates to call...
Better day today, but it is our pensioners cycle ride to a pub for lunch (33 miles). Still I did get home about 3.00pm so was able to clean some...
Everything on hold. Miserable weather, drizzle and cold, I shall wait until it gets better.
An old picture of a muntjack stag (currently published in a Belgian magazine Muntjack Stag
I have two Praktica SLR's (non-electronic) these were the type favoured by press photographers at one time as they were the most robust camera on...
I've tried editing the profile but it doesn't seem to work.Ah, yes it does. You have to make another posting to get it to change the picture.
I have found another problem. It seems to require a square picture, cannot display an oblong one (like most message boards).
Well that seems to be in order. I have a wireless router which I normally use with ethernet cable, but we have a computer users meeting here once...
My neighbour was unable to do the job owing to other committments. So I decided to site the greenhouse on an old concrete base where I already...
Sorry Dave, but are you talking about DSL or ADSL. DSL is cable lines whereas ADSL is the BT (or Kingston) Lines, where it is the normal telephone...
Horticultural glass was always cheaper because it was not clear, it had a slightly stippled surface. I can understand that it may not be cheaper...
I move the plants out of the heated propagator when they have got established (a few true leaves) into an unheated progator. You really only need...
About 18 months ago a friend asked if I was interested in an 8x6 greenhouse (he wanted to get rid of his). I said Yes, he then said that someone...
I usually use the black flower buckets which Morrisons sell for 99p for eight, cheaper than buying large pots but you do have to drill holes for...
Those are the ones I used on the Internediate bars but theres no channel in the corners so I have to fasten with Duct Tape to the corner angles.
I have fixed my bubble wrap with plastic twist locks and for the corners I have used Duct Tape (get the 50m rolls as they are much cheaper than...
The only emails you are likely to lose are the ones sent to your box after you have discontinued that address. The best way of making sure that...
Reports on Vista regarding the problems mentioned, put me off. I've gone over to Ubuntu (GNU/Linux) and its free software.
I wonder if Microsoft have shot themselves in the foot?They launch Vista and Mac sales significantly increase, any connection?
Separate names with a comma.