If you have vital files on your HDD, get an Ubuntu live CD and start the computer up with it (Do not install it). You will then be able to access...
It used to be true that rechargeable batteries had a memory, but since the change to NIMH this has not been the case. Laptop batteries are for...
I spoke to the our computer group pro. last week about clearing the hard disk. His reply was to use a partitioning software (if the disk is...
A card reader plugged into a USB socket should not need any files uploaded, the disc supplied is usually for old machines running Windows 98SE,...
50 years with cross pollination, you must have either a new variety or a very mongrel strain. At least they should have adapted to local...
If you want to put them off, switch to Linux OS, that'll fox them.No one messes with my machine, they would need my name and password to get...
I worked for the Forestry Commission in the late 1950's. I destroyed 14 wasp nests in 1958. It was easy then, we could use cyanide for the job....
Cycling, Sunday afternoons and Tuesdays with the Cyclists Touring Club (Cambridge D.A.). I've cycled over 28,000 miles since Christmas 1997....
As said before, Scottish Law is not the same as English Law. In English Law it is usually stated who is responsible for which boundary. Try to...
There could well be a reason why they are out of stock, and it could be because it is the wrong time of year for moving shrubs. Unless they are...
I've been offline for several days. I couldn't login to broadband. It happened just before the weekend. I eventually phoned my ISP and the...
This is a re-hash of the srayers which were sold by Miracle Grow and Phostrogen a few years ago. Just a different shape. I've still got two in the...
That's computers for you.Some years ago, in the early days, some of my colleagues were writing a new rom and beta testing. It kept falling over...
My batteries are NIMH rechargables and they certainly are good quality. I agree with jjordie that they are good and 7dayshop have always given...
Hey Webmaster, you wus dun.I use NIMH batteries (AA) for a lot of things. ALDI's �£1.99 for four 2100mah. www.7dayshop.co.uk �£3.19 for...
I am very satisfied with the Acer Aspire Laptop. It's much faster than the old laptop and compares very well with the Acer Aspire Desktop running...
I put up an electric rabbit fence, I think that would deter cats. I certainly hope that it will deter that damned dog from next door.
If you're out and want support, look for a traffic sign post, tree or gate post and brace your camera against that.
It arrived this afternoon, I had a job to get IE to go to a website (it kept wanting to go to MSN). Got it working eventually. Although it's...
Separate names with a comma.