These things are fairly normal. After starting up X number of times your system will want to check the integrity of the hard disk. The other...
I went to an airfield about a mile away to fetch a trailer load of pig muck, it was well rotted. I loaded the trailer and there was a slight haze...
My maternal ancestor's came over with Billy of doubtful parentage whilst my paternal ancestor's were probably Viking.I'll pack my case.
It played the full time with my set-up, Ubuntu/Linux + Seamonkey + Flashplayer.I would suggest that rather a lot of "panning" it is better to do...
The issues to use are LTS (Long Term Support), unless you have some particular requirement which the other issues address. There is a difference...
I have a problem, on the West side of my property, my neighbour has a thorn hedge which he won't cut. It is 7metres plus in height and the bottom...
The Linux system is constructed in a totally different way, it does not have a registry, does not use .exe files nothing can be written to the...
My neighbour has his road contracting yard next door. I went round to see him today and he mentioned top soil, we then discussed it and he said...
The weeds should be scorched first then after several hours, go over them again and burn off. Don't try to do it all at once.Operating...
I feel sorry for you, my system is written to avoid this problem. It just keeps working. Malware and virus doesn't work so is quite irrelevant....
It is now Sold
Information input into a computer via the keyboard goes into the keyboard queue. The "interrupt" then pulls it out in "packages" and sends it to...
Very Good, that does explain why Ext3 FS is less prone to fragmentation. I avoid saving data to the Ext3 by saving most data to a USB Vfat...
I seem to remember that the majority of the voters were quite happy when MT decided that Government should be less in control and everything...
Your comment caused me to search my system for a "de-frag" facility, I couldn't find one. It would seem that it's not necessary. If I ever got to...
Me too!
My camera is a Panasonic DMC FZ10. I had a job to find it, as it had just come onto the market and all the dealers were out of stock. I managed to...
We still have some Greengrocers, my Grandson is a chef. He goes in early morning and does breakfasts and lunches, then he's finished. He goes to...
That's no good, the army don't want them, they want intelligent people these days.
There is a very good way of deterring the Carrot Root Fly, it's been used for donkeys years but seems to have been forgotten by today's...
Separate names with a comma.