Every now and then something makes you step back and realsie that not everything in the World is dark and negative.:sunny: I'm not sure why, but...
How I would love to have this kind of talent. :love30: All would all be my perfect world. I want to be in the paintings. Robert Duncans...
I still have some hard landscaping to carry out, which I am hoping to get partially out of the way before the frost set in. I also started...
We went through a stage where a double glazing company just kept phoning and hassling us every night, so eventually I suggested that the company...
I've kept very quiet so far in both discussions in relation to this subject, mainly because it's a subject that is very close to my heart and one...
Or dead.:WINK1:
Have you ever watched this.:) Part one of four. Reincarnation, the amazing story of a scottish child, Part 1 - YouTube
5k is a lot of money, 5p is currently a lot of money, but the figure that you quoted is cheaper than I had expected. I was talking to someone...
Chlidren!!!!:mad: I have just shown this excellent song to my 12yr old daughter and she said... "Go to whats up tabs and type it in" Two minutes...
Up until today I had forgotten just how rank petrol tastes, and stale petrol is even worse. I have developed a weird hobby of collecting and...
Define "not very expensive".
Our rain water storage system has a capacity of 6000litres, which is fine provided that they are full. I drained them down last winter and closed...
Marigolds are a nice safe bet as well.
For me it isn't helped by listening to the radio either. Everything is Facebook that, or Tweet this. I've got to the stage now where I can't even...
I can't stand Facebook. I signed up recently to post some photos of a nephews wedding, and instantly got loads of friend requests from immediate...
The neighbours daughter is now more enthusiastic than my own. It is amazing what difference a year in age makes. Odd though, as I'm teh biggest...
Thanks.:) The piece of oak is turning into quite an interesting one really. I haven't started to carve it yet and have simply only started to...
I hadn't realised that I had left my next updates for so long. I guess life has just got in the way. Anyway, the above frame is finished, as is...
A nice row of Berberis or Pyracantha should do the trick, or it will do when they foolishly try to pull it up. Edit. Although Blackthorn may be...
Thanks.:) Do you know just how tempting that is. I feel as though I have been hit with a brick today, I'm completely knackered. The problem is...
Separate names with a comma.