Choisya is pretty well bomb proof. You can cut it back hard but as Alice says, it may not flower as well next year. But, from experience, it will...
Thank you Angie, Claralou, Ziggy, Roders, Aaron, Woo and Blueroses for your kind wishes. This one's a big one so I'm taking my time to celebrate...
I agree with Dave about Pachysandra. Epimedium mught be worth a try too. The yellow flowers are described as insignificant but it has lovely heart...
I think Dai means Cornus controversa variegata. C. controfusa must be the Welsh version!:hehe: Spectacular as it is,I still prefer Cornus kousa....
If you want something a bit different, what about Kornus kousa chinensis? It's a lovely tree, the foliage changes colour in the autumn and it has...
Oh dear! Looks like I've stirred up a veritable ornithological hornet's nest, if that's not mixing my metaphors too much!:hehe: Chris
Not surprised there are lots of Cormorants in Strood ClaraLou, as you're so close to the estuary and not far from from the sea. What I found...
2 may be Brachyglottis compactus (formerly Senecio) Chris
I agree with Silversurfer. I thought Tree Peony at first but that's probably unlikely. Chris
It's amazing what you find on the Medway. We were on the non-tidal section, near East Farleigh and spotted a cormorant, preening itself in a tree!...
:help:I've got my first aubergine - growing outdoors. The plant is rather overshadowed by giant tomato plants so doesn't get much sun....
Looks a bti like a the rare Privet Hawk Moth caterpillar, but I'm not sure Dai. Perhaps someone else will have a better idea. [img] Chris
Thanks for that Claralou, I wondered what it was like now. We first went some years ago and it was really good but last time we went (last year)...
I think 4 may be Prunus lusitanica, Portugese Laurel. Chris
So that's why Bahco are so good Dai!:wink: Chris
I agree with Dai, Aaron, but I think I know which chance it's likely to take!:cry: Chris
Paul, it's important that you wind the line on in the right direction. There should be arrows on the spool showing this. Also, line really does...
Touch wood, I've still got the same Bahcos my partner bought for me at Hampton Court about ten years ago. There have been a couple of times when...
Thank you Kedi and Palmatum, that helps a lot. I'm fascinated by their diversity and colours so don't mind too much if they're baddies or...
I know everyone raves about Felcos but I've had a pair made by Bahco for years and as a professional gardener, I wouldn't be without them. I doubt...
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