Hi Lolli. Sorry I am late. As you can see the rose bears no resemblance whatsoever to yours or the label:hehe:Woo have you any idea what I...
They do form tubers :)
Link No Clicky:flag:
My roses have rooted with the willow:yho:
If rhodies camellias etc don't thrive in your garden a container would be the perfect medium to grow them in if you use peat based compost. I...
Hi Lolli. I bought a few bushes at B&Q the other day. The buds are just opening. The piccie on the label looks like yours either pink dreamer or...
How very true Freddy. This however bowled me over with the strength of the perfume. I always feel compelled to take cuttings from the ones I buy....
i am no expert and others who know more will reply but grow bags need lots of water. I have mine in pots outside and water every day unless there...
Gertrude Jekyll. I ordered this for myself and also one for a friend's 60th. The flower is gorgeous and the perfume is so strong! I had 'Grace'...
What about a rose? It will bloom at the time of her retirement and are so easy to grow. Who doesn't love a rose?
If the Buddleia is in a pot you can plant it any time. If it is pot bound it will probably give a sigh of relief.
Cheers Alice. Advice noted. Just the greenfly to tackle:hh::thku:
I had one with two. I wonder is it twins and triplets:hehe:
My chilli plants are going black where the leaves and flowers/fruit are emerging. Like little black bands. I have them in the conservatory. I have...
A Moment of Calm[img]
One of the seeds has germinated:yho:
According to my bible you should have trimmed the leader when you first started this. It need done again now in the summer YEAR ONE SUMMER...
I'm going to get my RHS pruning book. Be back in a mo. I am interested in this as I want to do the same
I loved that film. It was uncannily similar to a much loved lab we had. The bit at the end when they put him in the back of the car to go to the...
I would lop all the dead wood and the stuff leaning over. It will sprout again. If you leave all that stuff it will look odd. It'll take a couple...
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