This was a cutting from a wee bunch of roses from my grand daughter from M&S a couple of years ago. It has produced this flower. Can anyone ID...
When you get a new house and the garden is exposed it provides a very quick growing barrier against wind. I would never have chosen it but for...
I want to buy some roses for the borders. I dislike hybrid teas and floribundas. I want them fairly large and they must be fragrant. I was...
Senior moment?:old:I am always very glad of your expertise :luv: I just didn't want to get credit for someone else's work:)
One is the golden variety Kristen and the other I thought was the golden one but is darker but lighter then the normal one IYKWIM.. Certainly...
I have two Leylandii hedges I grew for the same reason as rach. I am a bit intrigued as to people finding them very high maintenance. I only trim...
Woo the pic of La Belle Espagnole Spanish Beauty is not mine:flag:
I have a feeling it is Japanese honeysuckle. very pale cream and yellow smallish flowers? I recognise the leaves. i have it in the front garden...
I have americana . It's much redder. Much less prone to black fly too
Jim and Vicki thanks. I had some rather pretty pink ones disappearing under a climber on the wall. You reminded me about them and they are now in...
Just divide the plants at the roots. Not at this time though. Best in early spring :)
I found the seeds here along with Hibiscus which i am going to order :)http://www.jungleseeds.co.uk/
I hadn't heard of this and was intrigues as I love scented plants.. I found this which is interestingCestrum nocturnumIt has become widely...
Woo that is a glorious picture. A perfect field. I love to see red poppies growing like that. A rare sight now:)
If anyone laughs at this I'll [img]I looked at Kristen's pics and a memory stirred. Yeras ago I planted seeds for this all over the garden. I...
Oh how gorgeous. I don't know how you managed to choose. Lovely lovely Kitty k-l
I note reading through the threads about spuds that people talk about floury potatoes as if it is a bad thing. In this part of the world people...
I have never grown this. I didn't know until recently they grew from crowns (like rhubarb?) Dobies are offering them for sale. Are they easy to...
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