I'm sure a lot of you do this but it's handy for those who don't. The clear plastic boxes you get strawberries etc in the supermarket. They have...
We had a rabbit once. It took a fancy to our then Labrador, Boris. he wouldn't let anyone near the dog. Every time you approached he leapt in the...
I hope Molly is Ok. Such a worry isn't it?[img]
Like this?[img]
I don't think they are lleylandii. Are they lawson's cypress?
Woo, beautiful rose, beautiful poem. Thank you:)
Oh dear. Did they get attacked last night?
Give evry man strengthsock
and escalating debt
Someone on my foodie forum has just made rhubarb vodka.:)
Wow it looks so dramatic. Is it difficult to grow?
Enjoy the forum
Hi Deb. You'll learn lots here
Nice to see you here. I am afraid I have never watched GMTV in fact I am one of those rare people who hardly watch TV at all. :oops: It's a lovely...
Not if you don't spray the leaves. Gather the shoots of bamboo that are intermingled with other shrubs and sort of squash them down then spray...
Hi Trixie. It'll break your back, your bank account and your heart but there is nothing like it:luv:
Hi Foxy and welcome :)
Separate names with a comma.