lol - glad you had a go at it the question is - what sort of new citizens will we get with these ridiculous tests? the mind boggles loopy
sorry to be so dim but which username is jo? i want to let her have my details as above loopy
i think that bindweed will just find its way through and choke your plants i would dig over the whole lot and remove as much as you possibly can...
my local pub is running a UK citizenship test today - i had a look round the www and you can try a test on line i was rubbish!!...
oh thats pretty doghouse riley i have spots shining onto pond then three through the back of a flower bed on a long line solar lamps that i...
just saw you comment steve - the professional eye !! loopy x
i like the new look thanks loopy
i have never done this with violets - i use borage flowers - but you need to remove the black stamen i agree very pretty - spesh with pimms loopy
they are called lily beetles and they will decimate and eventually kill the lilies catch and squash asap - they are canny little blighters and...
i would say the stuff i posted wont improve the pitted surface it will just seal it no it doesnt come in colours but you can put some colour in...
strawbs potted up was very excited to see my asparagus getting bigger quite quickly - will i need to protect form birds and rabbits (and deer)...
have a look at this site for sounds of birds what does it look like?...
i think you need woo for this one loopy
arent posties wonderful - and glad the lady has her plants what a good soul you are!! loopy
theres an old wives tale that you have to 'curse' at the seeds when you sow them so try a bit of blue language - out of anyones earshot loopy
hee hee thanks has bean counter fidgets mum i knew i might be in for a tough time - ho hum loopy
good luck with this HUGE project - your lottie is a monster loopy
i have a pattern imprinted concrete drive and use something like this i find it...
they are truly nice neighbours and we have had a chat over the fence about it she says she will dig it up and put it into a container i think...
my dear neighbour has planted a bamboo in her garden next to our fence it has INVADED into mine- with deep deep white runners and has now...
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