i am trying this out on my lottie childrens windmills set in ground - i have been told this will deter them cos they dont like the vibrations...
thanks paladin a chain a rod a perch - in wilts we have perch and thats about right - he could dig a perch a day loopy
thank you all for your kindness x sorry to hear of your loss too jazmine yes borrowers he did love his lottie and i think it was his...
i really feel for you daisees, its horrible to lose a well loved plant and as you say such a big hole - esp with the height softening the wall...
spent a lovely time down there yesterday - twas dark by the time i got home i was VERY excited to see my asparagus peeping through i also...
i am skulking too lol but i love these id threads - and i think i learn from them - i too went and peered in my garden as i too have hostas (top...
is it professional or private gardeners? if private i would have a look on the rhs garden sites i got an invitation to win a blackberry type...
thanks roders - allotments are a real community arent they? and you are right its the shock loopy
my lottie neighbour had a heart attack at his plot last weekend - despite cpr from my neighbour the other side he didnt make it he was a good...
i would hazard a guess at agapanthus and acer palmatum - one of the red purporeum? loopy
ooh how exciting enjoy loopy
thank you lady smock he loved being at his lottie - had only been retired one year he was a real wag loopy
i would love to come but am afraid its just too far i hope you all have a lovely day loopy
the whole village is upset!! he was a lovely cheeky man and i had some fun times with him and his reprobate chums x axie-ali thank you for your...
thanks all - i had some really sad news yesterday, my lottie neighbour had a heart attack at his lottie, my neighbour the other side of me was...
mine have just peeped through hooray loopy
had a lovely time!! did some much needed digging and weeding and it was lovely to be there again in the sunshine with my flask of coffee and...
i have a qualcast like Marley - very light and easy to use - could do with a longer lead though loopy
hmmm put something smelly for them to land on with their designer trainers? not nice behaviour loopy
you should be able to see the plans online - go to your councils website then onto planning portal, put in the name of the road etc and you should...
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