Bumble bees shouldn't die after they sting.. but honey bees do as half of their digestive system is pulled out with the sting.Ive held bumble...
30.3C today steaming
Haven't really been in the gardens as such recently.. but I'll add some pics on Saturday :)
Amazingly the mean maximum for July has finished around 24.5C.. only beaten by 2006 and 1995.
Hi everyone, been away recently due to 'stuff'.Anyhoo the star plant in my garden in July has been Brugmansia sanguinea along with Callistemon...
a cooler 27C here, but still sunny.. 31C under carport.. phew.
I suspect it is the heat and dryness.. Ive had this problem with a Cistus of all plants, though I think they do die down in the Med regions in the...
I sent a letter today and I wrote the wrong address on the envelope, I meant to send it to number 104 but wrote 102 (which is next door).. I think...
Obviously this is a very tender houseplant, but it seems once these plants lose their leaves people give up on it.. My question is therefore, do...
On our allotment site we have some trees along side a road that were planted there when the site was a nursery. There is a tree I've never seen...
Its a bit of a specific one this. A shade tolerant small plant or bulb that does not spread and is attractive to bees... Any suggestions?
I think Bargerine and Mutter are healthier. I don't eat either Margarine or Butter.. or salt (though obviously I do in certain foods).. I also...
my garden is infested with them... I just spray them off.. the ones that are on the stems are usually killed by the power spray but more turn up.
Caesalpinia gillesii is another type which is hardier than Pulcherrima (still with breathtaking flowers), but may be a good permanent planting...
The equation for Storm Relative Helicity.. one of my favourite equations. SReH=-h~ok(V-C) x dV/dz(dz) I dont have any mathematical symbols on...
Well it's not mine per se, it's actually natures.. I spotted on a walk through the local dales the other day. Potential to become a bit of a thug...
My guess on that one is this is a mature specimen, it has been around for maybe more than 10 years (it's about 10 metres high).. there are many...
Buddleja Globosa are also flowering here, here's one from a few weeks ago.. This is a wild self sown one on the heathland/woodland edge. [img]...
On Merseyside we need all the help we can get. Im still alive by the way.. the nurse (who was excellent which make a change, she was Chinese),...
I meant the walk in centre it's in the hospital here
Separate names with a comma.