Just had a look at the BBC weather site for this area for the next 10 days - nightime temperatures down to -2C and daytime between +3C and +8C, so...
Have a look ath these : http://www.thomasetty.co.uk/seeds/veg-flower-2013.pdf http://www.angelfire.com/az/garethknight/dots/varieties.html...
I usually grow a few spuds in big flower-pots 12" or so in size. For compost I use a mixture one part each sieved soil, garden compost, leafmould...
Hi Freddy - coming from Bristol I'm surprised you don't know them - Probably the best tasting of all climbing beans -...
Ere, Ziggy - I certanly do - I had a reasonable crop outside last season, and also grew some in the polytunnel at our community growing project -...
I got some secateurs too - Vintage Seymour Smith #119 SNAP-CUT for my collection of old secateurs a-a
No wonder you got so much stuff - that's a nice big chimney for Santa to climb down!! a-a
Thanks for the post - you're right they can be very invasive and I make sure to remove all the root and small tubers from the area, that's partly...
Talk to local tree surgeons, farmers, or maybe even the people at your amenity site (tip) they would surely be able to help.
I sowed some Broad Bean seed (The Sutton) in pots, I hope to get the young plants out under cloches in February, for an early crop - not a lot,...
Hi Pam, have a look at this website - they may have something suitable http://www.batterybayuk.com/ a-a
Well, it's Party Time .................... [media] Best wishes to all my many friends on GC for a happy and healthy New Year. XXX a-a &...
What a super site ...bags of potential there ...good luck a-a
A couple of points: What sort of tree is it? - If you hard prune most conifers they will not re-grow. If its a fruit tree, pruning will effect...
..................and now that Christmas is over, you can bet that next week the Easter Eggs and Hot Cross Buns will be on the supermarket shelves...
Here's a weblink which may be helpful : http://www.allotment.org.uk/grow-your-own/growing-in-containers/what-can-you-grow a-a
Probably not a good idea as almost all peanut butter contains salt which is unsuitable for birds. Now, when you say its 5 months out of date -...
French beans, both dwarf and climbing varieties - try the purple podded ones such as Purple Queen (Dwarf) or Blauhilde (climbing) or a rare...
.........another pair of vintage secateurs for my collection, - Seymour Smith & Sons Inc., USA 'Original #119 Snap-Cut' - from about 1970 -80
We wrap our gifts to each other in carefully selected and saved pages from newspapers and magazines collected throughout the year........nice...
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