Hi All. Lots of planning and work being done for the coming season no doubt by all. At the moment it does seem a lot warmer than last year. Even...
Hi Everyone. Any hula hoop exercisers out there?? I am always trying to think of something different; most times the ideas do not work.Normally...
Some good posts of how others have to deal with their garden waste.If I had the room I wood (pun) compost everything.I think Jiffy is correct...
Had a poster through door today from Swindon Council pleading poverty as they have to save 15 million £.They are proposing to start in Feb 2014...
Thanks 4 your replies,love that pink/whitey lily (4th picture) have not got round to taking off the bulblets as yet ,and we do have lots of dryish...
Hi All. I know I have posted before about overwintering lily bulbs and has some good advice. I decided as the bulbs were in a pot and the pot was...
Thanks Kristen for your excellent advice.You are correct MP when it gets dry is a bugger to get wet again and sometimes only a soak in a bucket of...
Hi All. Had a wonderful display from the 5 Oriental lilies I planted in a pot this summer but soon is the time to think about over wintering these...
Sorry I uploaded same 2 photos!!!! [ATTACH]
Hi All I am a bit perplexed by this one. I know you can get a Honeysuckle Fuchsia (triphylia?) but my fuchsia is nothing like it.We planted a...
Hi All.Hope you all had a good colourful summer after the bad cold start. I like others got the free seeds from Amateur Gardening magazine...
Funny but this last month we have seen a lot of bumbly bees in the garden, nice to see them and I hope a good sign.Last week wifey watered the...
Did not see all the program but very interesting and it does seem there are more factors at work than just pesticides killing off the bees. I hope...
Just a while ago I posted about a wrong order I received. Should of been calla bulbs but turned out to be another type of lily, none of which I...
I wonder if any ones knows if you can or should pinch out growing tip on Autumn raspberry. We planted 6 "twigs" this year and all growing nicely....
I purchased some cheaper hand sprayers from Wilkinson’s at around £2 each and they lasted around one season. Decided to upgrade and buy the...
Thanks for your replies.I decided rather than spray with insecticide I got a container of water and dipped a cotton bud in the water.The small...
On a slightly different vein.I had a single garage and converted it into a double,at the end of garden, but I only have one car. One neighbor told...
OOps Pam I better not tell you what betting shop and what town. And to fair yes I suppose it is theft but the betting shop manager does not mind...
Seems I lost the photo of beetle on lily so tried to upload again. [ATTACH]
Separate names with a comma.