AAaahhhhh.............. Don't tell me that now, I just ordered a starter pack from Jungleseeds!Actually, I just thought it would be fun to have...
It looks as rampant as my Paul's himalayan musk - let me know where you bought your gloves from!We neglected to prune ours for several years and...
my camera is 2.1 pix and cost a fortune.........Years ago!I have full version of Photoshop but never use it, Palustris is right, the mini...
snap scotkat - I washed my propagator - well an old one of my dads. Martin went into my potting shed and said that it looked like an animal had...
Your first picture looks like portugals version of my village - bridges over the stream.Wish I had my camera tody on my sunday morning doggy...
I think Hex the QC dept. were in the middle of their Christmas party season when it was ordered - could account for a lot!Yes I am going to...
first of all WOW the ensete - I am converted, or was untill I realised I would have to send Martin on a body buildung course or hire the...
Below a picture of my friends banana plant/seedling which I am terrified of! He has gone away for a couple of weeks and I am in charge of it - oh...
Ill have you know my "weekly" keeps well out of my office, so enough about HELP! anyway who told dendy about the G&T!
I love the leaves on that red cyclamen MF
oh don't say that - never takes much of an excuse for me to have a party! remind me to tell you about the day my pouff was eventually delivered!!!...
rosa the machine is the fancy weather station that I have no idea how to use and yes Dave foot warmers are the best!
Well yet another set back!Today Martin invited a friend round to help him glaze the roof - its safety glass and very heavy, so really a two man...
couldn't help but take this last night - dogs under the desk, G&T at the ready, fancy weather station that I can't read looking at me and warning...
I got my heater, heat mat, soil warmer, propagator AND fancy weather station which I don't need to tell me that I also got this![img]
I used to find them so distasteful, but now fill my beds with late autumn colour and revil in their colour and diversity.
I am sure there will be a lin somewhere on the site for you to look up type of clematis. Often if they flower late they are pruned hard back round...
Lovely! Just can't grow them on my limey soil so just have to scratch your eyes out and think how lovely your pics are.
oh and PS love BM's logo - a very neat simple designe FULL MARKS!
PeterS - love you truly too and will wear my red rose for you one day with or without the abundance of free plants!Actually it was a very bad...
Separate names with a comma.