I suppose this is what they say on their knees before they go to bed then -Our lager, Which art in barrels, Hallowed be thy drink.Thy will be...
tp the left of my first picture I have f rosa rugosa that heve been there ages, mine have tended to flop rather than go up, however I have a...
This may help - I have quite a large garden, Mr Waco does not like to have any white bits after sunbathing - if you get my point, so we created...
Oh *****%A$$00!XX I got a hangover! and just taken cure suggested by one of my first boyfriends - fatty bacon & eggs with strong black cofee....
another thought - why don't you aim to cover the fence and then create a private area within the garden where you could get out of the view of...
Are you just planning to cover the fence or do you want to go above the height of the fencew for privacy.You will also have to decide if you...
Thanks Hex - will get Martin to do that.The bolts and stuff are cadmium plated so Martin thinks they will be ok. Yes I hate those awful streaks...
Hex - Martin is interested in galvanic corrosion, do you have any more details please? He says that he could put a layer of thick plastic under...
Thanks Walnut
Lovely roders - spring just round the corner then!nothing much in my garden yet bulb wise, but Lonicera fragrantisima and Viburnam Dawn have...
LOL got the site thanks, but still having problems with the other one, it just does not like my user name and pass word, but when I try to...
I am surprised our snowdrops are not out yet, everything else is early.I bet you feel better for the walk, I am just about to go for second walk...
I have been trying to get into brugmansia group, but it does not seem to want to let me in so will have to try later.
Well the whole project seems to have gone on stand bye and its driving me MAD!I was delivered an aluminium base by mistake and company would not...
don't think we have had a swimming report from dendy yet or have I missed something???
EXACTLY!Actually I was just about to ask "What" when I spotted it, I close my eyes to all the flashing/moving stuff - does my head in, anything...
Well pete has encouraged me to have a go from seed, walnut encouraged me to splash out and buy from the guy on ebay (I think he may be German) but...
Thanks all, I like the flexibility of mats idea and after seeing Dave's construction, I could always put the mat in the welp box for similar effect.
I have this strange attitude to "the gym" I compare it to hamsters going round those wheels in their little cages.Surely as gardeners and house...
not tellin! - well just yet anyway.I have put on a lot of weight over Christmas so I expect the first few pounds to come off fairly easily, and...
Separate names with a comma.